Places I loved on my vacation to the Uk 2

Hey guys! I'm back with that gist if you may. Sorry this took a while to complete, been under the weather. I'm back now!π. Let's get right to it....shall we? The others places I visited/experiences i had during my vacation and absolutely loved. ( ps: it may not sound so exciting to you please forgive me! It was to me. We all have first experiences) The Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland: Wow! It was an awesome experience. At first I was like what am I doing here, I'm tired of walking around, but I got excited when they announced there was going to be a Panda drama or dance!. . that was a really nice experience! There was also 'the Penguin dance' - a group of Penguins dancing together and doing some sort of was really beautiful and colourful. There were other animals that I didn't even know existed- Koala, Nyala, white-haired wise monkeys....Zebra (this one I know of course) hippopotamus, all sorts of rabbits and squirrels, Bears and so ...