10 places I visited during a vacation to the UK this year and absolutely loved...(Lifestyle, just a little deviation)

I stayed in Newcastle upon Tyne with my sister, a really beautiful town and serene too. Honestly, 'Oyibo' people are so freaking polite and nice (something we Nigerians should emulate, shh!). I got to meet and interact with lovely neighbours. Someone would say who polite don epp?!...😂 Anyways, its a really beautiful city, houses like cute cottages😀, like you read in Hansel and Gretel. (hahaha!just kidding!) So, it has 2 big universities- Northumbria university, Newcastle university, so many big shopping malls of course (eg: Metro centre- the biggest shopping mall in England, as they say. The pride of the town!), hospitals (I just have to mention that right!😂 because its like a natural inclination). Well, I saw about 2 or so...really beautiful and so ORDERLY. When would our dear country be like this ehh?...we would get there. Amen! Other things the town is known for include: the Quayside, Newcastle Monument, Hadrian wall, Beamish Museum etc. Ps: would ...